A note on the translation. My experience is that English-language translators are more prone to strangle prose than translators in other languages I read. (I sometimes amuse myself by reading translations side by side.) The English translations seem overly obsessed with making everything confrom to English grammar (which in some ways is a pretty strict grammar), and they often remove things that were meant as stylistic devices to make the sentences more grammatical. A particularly horrific example was the translation of P.O. Enquist's autobiography A Walking Pine, in which he does not end questions with question marks to catch the sardonic hopelessness of Northern Sweden, and also sometimes ends statements with one or more question marks, or puts exclamation marks mid-sentence. All this is gone in the English version. I also find that Bolaño loses all rythmic intensity in English. It robs the language of so much playfulness and possibility!

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Interesting will look forward to next!

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